Saturday Printmakers 10th Anniversary Exhibitions: X &amp & Print Run

The Saturday Printmakers celebrate their 10th anniversary with their exhibition: X. Established in 2010, the group’s membership base has continued to grow beyond its two founding members.

‘X’ has been curated by artist and Chronicle columnist, Sandy Pottinger, and runs between the 29th September – 25th October, 9-12am on weekdays (excluding Mondays) and 10-2pm on weekends. A concurrent exhibition ‘Print Run’ is also being held in the adjoining gallery space.

Held at the picturesque Culliford House, Toowoomba Art Society (opposite Queens Park), the venue has implemented a covid-safe plan. Attendees are encouraged to maintain social distancing requirements.

The exhibition has FREE ENTRY and eftpos facilities are available for those purchasing works.

Special thanks to Beth, Michaela & Ute for their handwork organising this year’s exhibition during very uncertain and challenging times!